Advisors Conference - Oct 5-6

The Advisors Conference is October 5 - 6 at the Sturbridge Host. Reservations are required and space is limited, so please register early.  

Topics include: 

Four Sides of the Advisor Recruitment Problem: One of the most difficult tasks in many Chapters is filling the advisory board with qualified and willing workers.  We’ll take a look for much of Saturday morning at four parts of that problem: How we can recruit and make use of more female advisors; the pros and cons of advisors with no DeMolay or Masonic background; issues that can arise when parents become advisors; and how young is too young?

You Make the Call: You’ll take a look in small groups at real-life issues that can face an advisory council.  Then, you’ll get the interactive opportunity to compare your solutions.

Youth Protection:  What’s DeMolay doing in this area?  Why?  Are we talking about physical and verbal abuse?  Or is it really Advisor Protection?  How can an advisor council make sure that not only the youth but the adults are protected?

Grill an EO: What better appetizer just before dinner than a free and frank discussion with the Region’s Executive Officers. Tell them what you’d like them to do for you.  Tell them what you’ll do for (or to) them.  Talk to them.  We like communication.

A Social Media Primer for Advisors:  A little concerned when your DeMolays are talking about taking “selfies?” Don’t know an Instagram from a telegram? Can’t figure out how to tweet without a whistle?  This is the session for you.

Social Activity: An opportunity to meet and greet your fellow advisors from throughout the region in a social way, but with a twist.  You’ll also get to experience the new Kingdom of DeMolay.  Bring your laptop.

All DeMolays have Needs; Some are Special.  More and more DeMolays are arriving in our Chapters with special needs.  We have to be able to respond to them.  A veteran advisor who is also a special needs teacher has some ideas and a panel of advisors and other experts will back him up.

Making the Sale: The Ongoing Problem of Advisor Development You’ve got the buyers (good looking advisor material) in the showroom.  They’ve kicked the tires and heard the sales pitch.  Now how do you get a signature on the “contract?”

Rainbow and DeMolay: Partners in Youth Too often, there’s been friction between Rainbow and DeMolay advisory councils and the two organizations have seemed to be working at cross-purposes.  That situation is rapidly being cleared up. How your Chapter and the nearby Assembly can work together to help each other and serve the young people better.

Reaching Young People Today Can they hear you now?  Are they listening or are those white plastic things stuck in their ears keeping them in a world of their own.  How to communicate with today’s young people:  Hint, “the bomb” has nothing to do with Hiroshima.

What Makes a Good Advisor?  An advisor needs many qualifications beyond being 21 years old.  What are they and how can we find people who have them?


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